Write a definition of subtext in your own words

Subtext is saying something or showing something without directly saying/showing it. Subtext refers to another theme/emotion within the dialogue or actions either between two or more people or within someone without directly mentioning it or saying/showing it. Subtext is used in theatre where one character might be feeling something else than they are saying but express it in a way that refers to another emotion, it is also used in movies to show more stories, themes, relationships and characters without directly showing the audience. Subtext draws the reader deeper into character and story, which is why it is always good to have subtext. 
An example of subtext is 'what have you been doing?' because if said excitedly, angrily, impressed, interested, disgusted or many more, it will mean different things and will portray another emotion within the sentence without directly saying that emotion. Another example of this is if you say 'not much' if someone asks you 'what's going on?', depending on how you say 'not much' you will be using subtext to express your feelings and emotions/situation and people will be able to infer what you really mean or what emotion you really want to express based on the subtext used.

How did writing subtext change your understanding and performance of your character?

I felt that when I started to think of subtext I was able to understand not only my character but also my play more because the subtext really showed what kind of character I am going to be because it showed that my character is very strong of opinion and even with subtext she always wants to point out that she is right and that everything the other character says is obvious (as if she is smarter than him), I am also more sure of how my character is supposed to behave now because through the subtext the attitude of the character becomes very clear as an actor because you are more aware of what kind of attitude you are supposed have and what kind of voice, body, movement and space I should portray so that it fits with my character. For example, I now know that I should be annoyed in subtext because Jake is not behaving the way I like (does not listen, is behaving stupid according to my character…) but also satisfied because I get to tell him the answers to everything because it makes me look smart which in subtext is me being obvious as well as showing off in some way and putting emphasis on the fact that I know things better than him. The subtext really enhances my performance and strengthens my character.

Have there ever been any times in your life where subtext has caused conflict? How and Why?

I have had a few times where subtext has done something to the relationship of me and someone else. I often find this happening at school, it happened to myself a few times as well; because at school some people do not speak English very well or do not understand everything that you say or mean to say, if you use subtext they might misinterpret what you said to being something offensive or mean against them or someone they care about, which is not your intention. What happened a few times to me was when I said something with subtext (sarcasm) which is not even mean if interpreted wrong, but because other people do not understand and so feel offended whilst it is not meant to offend them and that something causes them to be a little mad or embarrassed. However, subtext like that has never done anything bad between me and someone else, it has only caused me to explain it to that person so that he/she understands what I meant. I have learned though, that because many people do not pick up on subtext, you really need to pay attention to who you are talking to using subtext so that a situation like that can be prevented. Other than those moments, subtext has often brought me joyous moments with my friends and family because subtext often gives another meaning, which really makes people laugh in certain situations which has only made my relationship with that person better and stronger. Overall subtext is really helpful because it can help you pick up on when a person does not feel like directly telling everybody that something is wrong, and if you pick up on this than it is a lot easier to help, so I find subtext to be very helpful but also sometimes annoying because some people never pick up on subtext.

Mrs Kirk
2/23/2013 08:36:12 pm

I think one of your strengths as a performer and as a friend is open honest communication. Excellent work linking your learning to other areas of your life.


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