Vilori auditions in front of the judge during rehearsal 25 September 2012
Today in class we looked at a piece of film which contained a group of people, about twelve or so, who mimicked playing an instrument. They did this very good because it really made me believe that they were playing an instrument (according to their movements). The music track played over them and so it made a nice whole to look at as well as being entertaining. Once we had watched this short clip, we divided into groups. Our group contained four people, Niloo, Sarah, Vilori and myself. We got the task of being influenced by the short clip. Once we got this task, we immediately started thinking about what we could do. After a while, I proposed to do some sort of talent show, or something in that kind of area and together we came up with doing some sort of X factor/American Idol kind of thing. The group agreed and then we made some changes to the idea as a group. I was the first contestant who was playing her own instrument and got rejected by the mean judge, then when everybody got rejected individually, we decided to go up as a group and dance the macarena, then the judge loved it. Me, being the more self-centered character, took all the credit for the dance and everything and so the judge liked me the most and chose me in the end instead of the others. Our group worked particularly well and very efficient as well as being able to communicate with eachother very well which made the whole process a bit easier and very enjoyable. I also thought Sarah had a strong character in this play because we could tell that she was a mean judge, I think Niloo and Vilori both performed well and both showed their instrument well. What I think I did well in this play is project my voice so that the whole audience could hear it loud and clear, also, I used my body well to show different movements and actions as well as making it more interesting than plainly doing an action since the actions were more big and interesting. In this short play, I can improve by making sure that my instrument is understandable by the audience since the instrument I was supposedly playing did not really ring a bell with anyone which kind of made some people confused. Also, I should make sure that when I am miming something that I need to remember that it is there at all times and cannot just appear from behind my back or something like that. So, I need to make my mime skills better and keep track with everything I do so that it is at all times at least understandable. What I think our group as a whole could improve on is making sure that everyone projects their voice because at times it was quite hard to understand what some people were saying, and make sure that the whole stage is used by everyone and not just by one person so that it becomes more interesting. Our piece was meant to be funny and to show that we were inspired by this piece of film we watched earlier on, so our intentions worked well since the audience was laughing at some parts of our play and gave us feedback that they could clearly see the inspiration part. I thought that the other inspiration group showed that they were inspired by the clip as well because they used the band concept and the playing an instrument without sound concept, but they changed the story line into a story about a three man band and conductor which was really funny which still showed their intention of using the movie as an inspiration. The imitation group did really well in imitating the clip that we saw because they had all the elements and it was quite funny to watch, and at some parts they lost a bit of their instrument and how to play it and had to laugh sometimes which they could improve on for next time, but it was clear what it was and they imitated it well and their intention of performing and making us believe they were actually using instruments and making noise worked well since it was believable.
What I learned today in the practical lesson was how to effectively collaborate with the others in our group and especially how to create a short piece of drama which is influenced by something else. Through this lesson i really got to understand what influenced by another piece of art means and now I am able to apply that knowledge not only in drama class but in many different situations both in and out of the classroom. 
There were three options to create a short piece of drama from, 1. which was imitating the clip we saw before, 2. which is what we did, influenced by the clip, and 3. inspiration, which is using the clip as inspiration for your own short piece of drama. I would have liked to act out all three of them, but was very happy when our group got the second option because with this you can go in so many different directions. 
I felt like this class was mainly done to help teach and make us understand the differences between imitation, influence and inspiration and so that we will be able to use these in other drama plays that are in the coming year. Also, to understand how to create a piece of drama that is based of off something else, and to understand that if we use somebody else`s work as an inspiration, are influenced by it or imitate it we have to cite it properly to acknowledge their work. The class definitely increased my understanding of the three and now I clearly now the differences between them, (imitate is doing exactly what your source does, inspired by is taking the main idea and creating something else through it, and influenced by is having an entirely different play but still being able to see some parts of the source repeat at times) also, I am able to apply the three techniques in a short drama play which I will be trying to expand to being able to apply it in longer drama plays. Not only did we learn about the three different types, we also visually saw the differences and so were able to get the information in different ways. I definitely know the difference between the three and am able to work in a group to demonstrate at least one of them, which mainly increased my knowledge about drama but also helped me communicate with others through the group part of todays lesson. 
The question; is there such thing as an original idea? is very hard to answer. On one side no there is not because in every single piece of art work, or any work, there is something, even the littlest thing that contains a similar idea to someone else`s work, which then does not make it entirely original since there is at least one element that is not original. On the other hand kind of, because the overall idea might be original but still relate back to another idea, but the main idea is still original. Either way, no, there is no such thing as a fully original idea since everything you think of is inspired by something.
It was really nice working in a group with Vilori, Niloo, and Sarah for the first time and it worked out really well. Overall, this lesson gave me a good insight about what the three terms mean and how to apply them to especially drama, which in the end gave our group a comedy type of play which I really enjoyed.

Mrs. Kirk
10/19/2012 11:30:51 pm

Your goal for your P.J entries this year Quinty is to become more precise in your writing and focus on making a sound point with clear and concise writing. I know exactly what we did in class so the descriptive' side of your P.J entry should be no more then 1 or 2 sentences or short bullet points. It is showing your learnng, your knowledge and your understanding that is important to you as a person and to achieving the higher mark band. Good start with understanding the 'why' of this class. now let me ask you something that you are yet to consider. Which 'I' out of Imitate, Influence and Inspire do you think is the best way into creating a devised piece and why? 5/8


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