A figment is a short play written by Ron Weaver. This play is set in the present and is not part of a bigger production or script. There are not much things needed to perform this piece; no props are needed except for a cellphone and the costumes are from modern times.

Who are you? Make a profile of your character –age, sex, occupation, education, health…-
I am a woman in her early thirties and am older than the male character I am acting with.  My occupation is being an actress and based on the script my knowledge is quite limited to knowing a lot about acting and things such as the ‘fourth wall’. There is nothing in the script that shows that I am in bad shape or condition, I am happy with my job, am happy to perform in front of people and I only say things that are logic which shows that my mind is also in healthy state and that I am happy with my life and based on the fact that I am able to act (remember lines) it shows that I am able to remember things so I do not have any diseases which make me forgetful. Overall I am in good health. 

Where are you?

We are on a performance stage, a very average theater, an audience is present and there is no set so the stage is just plain the stage and us two characters.

Why are you here?

I am here because I am performing a piece to the audience, at first the audience does not know that it is a play but because I am trying to prove a point with the little play, in the end, I say the consequences and say goodbye to the audience which then tells them that we were performing a play.

What do you see and hear in your immediate and also in your more distant environment?

Because I am inside a theater performing to an audience, the only talking that I hear is that of the other character in the duologue. The only thing I see during the duologue is an imaginary ‘fourth wall’ which cannot be seen but can only be felt. The other sound I hear is that of my boss talking to me on the phone, but this is imaginary. My phone vibrates at one point in the play, which I only feel but I announce it to everyone around me. Other than that because we are in a theater, there are no sounds or sights from more distant environments because there is no distant environment.

What time of day or night is it? What season of the year and in what country?

The country is the United States of America and because it is inside a theater there is no day or night description as well as not knowing the season due to the theater being indoors and thus no information about that is given.

What is the journey of your character and how does she change in the course of the text?

There is no physical journey for my character but there is a journey of sharing. The purpose of my character is to inform the audience about ‘character assassination’ in the show business.  Therefore the journey of my character is purely based on how she starts off being a miss know-it-all because she keeps on talking about these things that the other character denies and keeps on saying that she is right, and she takes the journey of acting out character assassination with the other character to end up being a normal actress who was just doing her job whom completed the journey of sharing her story about character assassination. My character changes throughout the script because she starts out to be someone else than who she actually is since she is pretending to be someone, for the time that she is that person she stays the same but when she is herself again she changes to be more likeable and less know-it-all. 

Mrs Kirk
2/23/2013 08:16:38 pm

Good answers that show your understanding of the script. I am glad you challenged yourself with the Shakespeare monologue instead Quinty. This would have been excellent to show your sense of timing with Jake, however it wasn't enough of a challenge for you to extend your skills..


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