I decided to change the lip color of Sarah to a bit more reddish since the plum color made her look more goth than corrupt. I believe that this change will strengthen the play and her character because more people will then believe she is corrupt instead of goth which is what we want, also, it will fit in better with the play as a whole since it will strengthen her character and thus put more emphasis on her part in the whole play.
Today we also changed our script. Because the make-up of Sarah's character needed to change from dark to light to dark, we wanted to change it so that she could start with light and end with dark. We did this so that now I changed my design for her eyes so that it will be easier to transition from one character to another during the play. Her eyes are now going to be dark whilst she is a good character, but her lips and the rest of her make-up will be light. Her make-up for when she is corrupt stays the same as it was before. Even though the script change was not necessary our group also decided to do it since it would add another drama component to strenghten our play and to put emphasis on the corrupt part.
The last change I made from my draft of the final designs is for the make-up of my good character. Her eyes are now going to be quite dark as well since as seen on the research I have done, the eyes of the good, light colored characters, are mostly dark as well but still make the overall character seem good and sweet. Therefore I have decided to change the eye make-up of my good character to darker and thicker so that it will also be easier for me to transition between character between scenes during our performance.
Based on what we have in the make-up packages at school I have decided to change a few things. Since there is no black hair in the packet, I have decided to draw the side burns on which will make them more accurate and neat. Also, I have decided to give Saif a moustache using the grey hair in the packet, but then coloring it black once it is stuck on his face. I decided to add a moustache to saif's make-up because it would make him look more mature and police-like as well as enhancing the seriousness of his character. I believe these two changes will strengthen the character of Saif and will strengthen the play as a w
These designs are based on my written drafts I created, I did this using the make-up packs provided in drama class.
I feel like the light color is too light and the dark color is too dark, also I will need to find a way to change her make-up from light to dark during a scene since she is a different character then.
I though this practice went well and it has made me think more about the designs for the play and what I need to pay attention to whilst creating the final designs. I will be changing the designs due to a few things that I do not like (color being too dark or too light) and because it needs to be able to change easily when character change is needed during the performance which it currently is not.
Looking at the research I have done and how those characters are represented through make-up and hair I have created a written draft of the final designs:
Character #1 (good character)
Light pastel colors
Lips=peachy color
cheeks=rosy color
foundation=thick natural skin color layer
Eyelids=light brown
eyeliner=minimal brown color
mascara=thin black
hair=front parts are pinned up with bobby pins or hair clips, the hair is wavy and volumnous but out of the face

Character #2 (corrupt character)
Dark colors
Lips=Dark red
Eyelids=dark purple (plum) color
Eyeliner=dark thick black
mascara=thick black lashes
Hair= loose, volumnous wavy/curly hair that complements the make-up and all together makes the character look corrupt.
Character #1 (corrupt character)
Dark colors
Lips=dark plum
Eyelids=dark purple
Eyeliner=dark thick black
Mascara=thick black lashes
Hair=loose straight hair

Character #2 (good character)
Neutral colors
Lips=pastel pink
Foundation=thick skin color layer of foundation
eyelids=light brown
eyeliner=minimal light brown
mascara=light thin black
hair=front piece pinned up (like a pouf but the hair is flat on the head)
Character #1 (as the brother)
foundation=full face foundation (skin color)
sideburns= thick black
Hair=a lot of gel, slick the sides back, front part should lift off of head a bit, should clearly be able to see the gel

Character #2 (whitness)
foundation=full face foundation (skin color)
sideburns=thick black
hair=all slicked back with gel (all flat against head)
character #1 (corrupt policeman)
foundation=full face foundation (skin color)
sideburns=medium thick black sideburns
hair=side part kind of wavy with gel

Character #2 (Judge)
foundation=full face foundation (skin color)
sideburns=medium thick black sideburns
hair=fully slicked back against head with gel
This is the draft of the final make-up designs (written). I have made these decisions based on what the characters of the play are like, and on what many people from the 1950's looked like depending on their character. There are a few problems with these designs but those will be dealt with as I continue in my process of designing.
This is a typical haircut for a man in the 1950's. His hair is slicked back with a lot of gel to create an overall neat-looking hairstyle.
This hairstyle makes the man look very good mannered, and not corrupt, however, it also has a hint of bad to it, it depends in what context it is put in which is what is good about this hairstyle, it can be used for different types of characters.
I will be inspired by this design because it perfectly represents a man from the 1950's and thus something inspired by this look will enhance the character and the play as a whole. I will definetely have the guys in our play use gel for their hair since it is used so much during this time period, also, almost all the men had their hair short and slicked back with gel (sometimes with a little pouf like this). Through this research I am more sure about what kind of hair to design for the men in our play.

I will use this picture as an inspiration because it shows a similar character that we have and the hair and make-up go paired very well together to show this character. Immediately the audience can infer what type of character she is throught her hair and make-up which is also my intention. The hair once again is volumnous and big and wavy, and the make-up is made up of darker colors.
This piece of research has helped me with my final design since now I have yet another good combination of hair and make-up that I could do something similar to for my final design.

These two designs are very influential on my final design because the female represents a good girl and the hair and make-up go well together as a combo to represent this. Also, because we have a character that is similar to her and this combo or something similar would be very good for our perfomance. The man in this picture is also something I want to incorporate into my final design because he looks like a typical 1950's guy and could be considered bad or good depending on what he is wearing and what he is like. This picture is very helpful for my final designs because I now know that I can use quite dark eye make-up for a lighter color palette and still make the girl look like she is not corrupt, as well as knowing two more hairstyles and thus producing more ideas for how I can design the hair and make-up for the characters in our play.

This is a very good design for representing woman in the 1950's because the hair is just like many woman had it back then: wavy and quite volumnous. The good thing about the hair, is that often you only see the big volumnous waves on loose hair, but here it is shown in a ponytail which is a good thing for our play since there is a change of character about halfway through, which also needs to change the hair, and through having it in a ponytail and then changing it to loose might be a good idea since it shows two different types of characters (because hair can affect the way the audience thinks about a character, or what kind of character the person is in combination with make-up). Often girls with their hair up are considered to be more of the good girls and girls with their hair down more of the bad (depending on the combination with the make-up, but it is often shown in movies that way, Sandy from Grease beginning had her hair up and when bad she had her hair loose). What I like about the make-up of this design is that it is quite dark but does not make her look emo or goth, which is what I intend to do in our play as well for the woman that are corrupt. Also, the make-up looks very sophisticated but not over-done, whilst if you closely look at it, it is very simple and not that hard to do.This hair style and make-up design is a good idea for my final design or to do something similar to this for my final design since it is able to show a certain character well.

This is a bad character from a movie in the 1950's. Again, the hair is volumnous and wavy and the hairstyle enhaces her character as well (in combination with the make-up). The make-up is dark and layered quite thick which gives the desired effect of making her look like a bad girl.
I will be inspired by this picture for the corrupt female characters in our play because this perfectly represents a bad female from the 1950's. My thoughts on the dark make-up scheme were similar to what this character represents (dark red and black colors) and thus this picture is a rough representation of what I was thinking about of designing.

We made our play longer through adding a few scenes, we added in the reasoning for the killer to kill, how it all started, and we added two murders and changed the story from being about how Saif cheats on his wife, to how Saif does an illegal deal with Sarah to make it a bit more original and corrupt.
Whilst creating our script I thought about how the production elements reflect our play. Probably the biggest production element for this play (the one with the most importance) is the lighting. The lighting shows how the people become more and more corrupt throughout the play and help us with our transitions, the lighting symbolizes something bad (red will be incorporated into the lighting) and gradually increases the level of criminality/corruption.
Our concept is how easy it is to become corrupt and drag others down with you, to enhance this we want the light to become more red as we go further into the play so that the audience will not only notice more corruption throughout the play from the characters, but also from the lighting, which will strengthen our whole play.
Lighting is the main production element that will enhance the concept of the play, since it is able to symbolize so much, however, make-up is quite important in this as well. As the characters in our play become more corrupt, the characters must look more corrupt as well in order to fully symbolize corruption amongst characters well. Therefore, I have thought about make-up designs for each character in our play which will represent their character well and will show the amount of corruption of that character.
I have decided that the female characters, as they are more corrupt, their make-up will become darker (red, plum, burgundy) and when they are not corrupt their make-up will consist of lighter colors (pastel palette) because darker colors are often associated with bad things/actions.
I have been doing some research on some hair designs from the 1950's:
these hair designs will help me with my final designs because they really portray people from the 1950's and thus I will want to be inspired by that to create hairstyles that also look like people from the 1950's (through researching some hair designs, I have also come to think about the make-up designs) :
This is a typical 1950's hairstyle, big volumnous waves in the hair and done so that it complements the woman's face. I will be inspired by this because it really shows a woman from the 1950's. Through this design I have decided to give one of the female characters ig wavy kind of hair, it will be one of the corrupt females because this type of hairstyle paired with the dark make-up would look like someone who is corrupt from the 1950's.
I also looked at the make-up, the make-up looks quite neutral but does have a certain effect when you look at it. The eyes are made up thick and dark, and the lips are a medium color. My design for the corrupt woman in our play, is to have their eyes be dark and thick, and their lips to be dark, the skin color will be the same as usual. Through this picture I have a better understanding of how to do the eyes so that they have a desired effect and show the character well which is a corrupt woman. I will be influenced by this design because I will make the eyes dark and thick as well but not exactly like this design, and I will make sure that the make-up is done so that it is noticeable by the audience like in this picture. When I am creating my final designs for make-up I will definetely think about this and be influenced by this design.

This is a typical hairstyle for men in the 1950's. I have chosen this picture as an inspiration for my designs because the hairstyle has the ability to represent many different types of character, even corrupt ones. Therefore, I have decided based on this picture to create a hairstyle that is inspired by this for one of the corrupt male characters. The hair style will be inspired by this since my design will have a hint of this look (the 1950's look) with messy waves and hairgel.
The make-up for the corrupt men in our play will not be overly dramatic because they need to be taken serious and need to be considered corrupt and not goth or anything like that. Therefore I have decided to put foundation on each character but no eyeliner or lipstick since that could make the character (corrupt male) become a bit less believable which would be bad for our play since corruption is our main theme.

This was the start of researching make-up and hair designs for my final designs, in class we thought about the production elements and how it would affect/reflect our play. Since I think that ligthing is the most important production element to show our concept efficiently, I will need to make sure that my make-up and hair designs are complemented by the lighting schemes as well as making sure that the make-up reflects the concept and theme of the play well.
Learning about sound so that we can effectively use it in our play. There are only descriptions on the left side in the middle section because all the buttons that go to the right and look the same, have the same function as the description sais on the left.
I learned what each button does on the sound board and have a better understanding of how to use this board to play sounds.