Whilst creating our script I thought about how the production elements reflect our play. Probably the biggest production element for this play (the one with the most importance) is the lighting. The lighting shows how the people become more and more corrupt throughout the play and help us with our transitions, the lighting symbolizes something bad (red will be incorporated into the lighting) and gradually increases the level of criminality/corruption.
Our concept is how easy it is to become corrupt and drag others down with you, to enhance this we want the light to become more red as we go further into the play so that the audience will not only notice more corruption throughout the play from the characters, but also from the lighting, which will strengthen our whole play.
Lighting is the main production element that will enhance the concept of the play, since it is able to symbolize so much, however, make-up is quite important in this as well. As the characters in our play become more corrupt, the characters must look more corrupt as well in order to fully symbolize corruption amongst characters well. Therefore, I have thought about make-up designs for each character in our play which will represent their character well and will show the amount of corruption of that character.
I have decided that the female characters, as they are more corrupt, their make-up will become darker (red, plum, burgundy) and when they are not corrupt their make-up will consist of lighter colors (pastel palette) because darker colors are often associated with bad things/actions.
I have been doing some research on some hair designs from the 1950's:
these hair designs will help me with my final designs because they really portray people from the 1950's and thus I will want to be inspired by that to create hairstyles that also look like people from the 1950's (through researching some hair designs, I have also come to think about the make-up designs) :
This is a typical 1950's hairstyle, big volumnous waves in the hair and done so that it complements the woman's face. I will be inspired by this because it really shows a woman from the 1950's. Through this design I have decided to give one of the female characters ig wavy kind of hair, it will be one of the corrupt females because this type of hairstyle paired with the dark make-up would look like someone who is corrupt from the 1950's.
I also looked at the make-up, the make-up looks quite neutral but does have a certain effect when you look at it. The eyes are made up thick and dark, and the lips are a medium color. My design for the corrupt woman in our play, is to have their eyes be dark and thick, and their lips to be dark, the skin color will be the same as usual. Through this picture I have a better understanding of how to do the eyes so that they have a desired effect and show the character well which is a corrupt woman. I will be influenced by this design because I will make the eyes dark and thick as well but not exactly like this design, and I will make sure that the make-up is done so that it is noticeable by the audience like in this picture. When I am creating my final designs for make-up I will definetely think about this and be influenced by this design.

This is a typical hairstyle for men in the 1950's. I have chosen this picture as an inspiration for my designs because the hairstyle has the ability to represent many different types of character, even corrupt ones. Therefore, I have decided based on this picture to create a hairstyle that is inspired by this for one of the corrupt male characters. The hair style will be inspired by this since my design will have a hint of this look (the 1950's look) with messy waves and hairgel.
The make-up for the corrupt men in our play will not be overly dramatic because they need to be taken serious and need to be considered corrupt and not goth or anything like that. Therefore I have decided to put foundation on each character but no eyeliner or lipstick since that could make the character (corrupt male) become a bit less believable which would be bad for our play since corruption is our main theme.

This was the start of researching make-up and hair designs for my final designs, in class we thought about the production elements and how it would affect/reflect our play. Since I think that ligthing is the most important production element to show our concept efficiently, I will need to make sure that my make-up and hair designs are complemented by the lighting schemes as well as making sure that the make-up reflects the concept and theme of the play well.
Learning about sound so that we can effectively use it in our play. There are only descriptions on the left side in the middle section because all the buttons that go to the right and look the same, have the same function as the description sais on the left.
I learned what each button does on the sound board and have a better understanding of how to use this board to play sounds.

What importance do you, personally, place on production elements?
I think that the production elements are very important and contribute to whether a perfomance is good or bad. They establish mood, atmosphere and the feeling of the play and enhance character and character development which all help the audience understand and empathise with the characters better. Also, if the acting skills of the actors are not very good, the production elements can make the performance more interesting, as well as helping the audience throughout the play, through being able to differentiate between scenes and provide symbols to show character and scene. For those reasons, the production elements are very important to me and make me feel more confident whilst performing.

Which production element do you think is the most important? Why?
I do not necesarily think that one production element is more important than the other because all of the elements contribute to a strong performance in the end. However, in my opinion, the set and props are the strongest production element for creating a strong performance with a clear intention;
  • shows setting and creates a part of the starting mood for the play which gets audience into the mood of the performance
  • the audience can infer what type of characters will be performing based on the type of props and setting of the performance and it can strengthen a character through props and setting
  • strengthens the whole play since it enhances character, intention, scene and makes the whole play more interesting to watch
  • helps audience differentiate places, setting, scenes, and characters from one another (makes the whole play more clear, interesting and easy to follow) 
  • Can become another actor in a play when there is shortage of actors

Can a production element become another 'actor' in a production?
Yes, a production element can become another actor in a production, it is an efficient way of symbolizing another character and is often done;
  • A sheet covering pillows in the shape of a body is displayed on stage, which symbolizes another character being dead (props)
  • Sound of a human talking is being played during a performance, audience hears another character (sound)
  • Picture of a person or shadow is displayed on the stage which symbolizes another character is present (multi-media)

What role did you choose? Why?
I chose to be the make-up artist because there are a lot of interesting things you can do with make-up and hair (different styles, colors...) and I find it very interesting how make-up and hair can portray a character or event. Also, there are so many different types of make-up which I want to learn about and how to use each of them properly. Another reason I chose to be make-up artist is because it is something that I enjoy doing, and it will be something fun, educating and important for our performance.

What do you know already and what do you want to learn?
About this type of make-up I do not know very much, only the basics of how to create a scar or wound and how to apply simple make-up on a person's face, nothing too dramatic or advanced. Regarding the hair, I know how to create many different hairstyles on people and can create certain looks through hairstyles. This unit I want to learn how to create a desired look through make-up and hair and to use make-up and hair to strongly portray,create, and develop a character. I want to know what make-up types there are and which one is best to use for certain occasions as well as learning what color palette is better for which light scheme and which character and what techniques are better for certain people's skin and hair.

Research and write up a list of your resposibilities.
  • Communicate with other group members and discuss each other's ideas and decide on final ideas to make sure that everything looks good together
  • Research characters and designs
  • Provide working designs that meet the design brief
  • translate verbal designs into visual designs
  • Attend rehearsals to make sure that all make-up, hair and accessories fit well in the play
  • Carry out wig and accessory fittings
  • Gather/shop for accessories, wigs and make-up as needed
  • Create a budget for the make-up needed
  • Negotiate and produce a schedule for make-up fittings and rehearsals
  • Apply make-up, wigs, hair and accessories and remove them
  • Produce final sketches and make sure everything is present on the day of the performance
  • Take care of and return objects borrowed and used
Are there any examples of practioners, movies and designers who have held your technical role whose work you admire? Include pictures or photographs of their work and say how you will imitate, be influenced or be inspired by their work for this performance.
One of the people whom I admire is one of the make-up designers for grease; Daniel C. Striepeke because he was able to clearly portray the characters, show the intention and development and show the time period of the movie. Also because now his design are known worldwide and his designs are still being used by people everyday.
I particularly like the make-up and hair of this character because it really shows what kind of character he is and represents the time period the movie is set in. I am going to be inspired by this because our performance is set during the same time period as this movie and our bad male character is similar to this character (personality wise) so the make-up and hair inspired by this look will give our bad male character a strong character and will fit very well into our play. There will be a hint of this make-up and hair in my final design for the bad boy character in our performance.

Focusing on Sandy (the girl) in this picture, I will be using this as an inspiration because her hair and make-up really portrays the 50's-60's time period which is what I want to do as well. Also, the hair and make-up in combination with her clothes really shows her character and in our play we have a similar character to her and so I will be using this as an inspiration to create a same strong character in combination with her clothes. People will be able to recognize the hair and make-up from grease but it will not be the exact same.

The second person whom I admire for make-up and hair in movies is Michele Barber. This make-up artist did the make-up in avatar, then thousand BC, Sherlock Holmes and many more. I admire her work because it is all so detailed (especially in Avatar) and fits with each character individually. The make-up and hair done by this artist really contributes to the succesfullness of the movies for me.
I am going to be influenced by this because of the use of colors and detail. The color blue is repeatedly used (different shades) which prove how much you can do with one color. I will be influenced by this because I want to show character the way this make-up artist does through using color, shapes, patterns, and make-up in general. Also, I will be influenced by this picture in the sense that I want to create strong characters and visually repesent characters in the way this character in this picture is shown through make-up and the amount of detail in the make-up. I will create a strong character through make-up with detail and using colors to represent characters like in this picture.

Are there any images or film clips that inspire ideas/the styles that you would like to imitate, be inspired by, or be influenced by?
There are a few videos that have images of what the make-up and hair in the 1950's-1960's was like and a few clips of the movie grease and the make-up and hair styles in that movie (I will be creating hair and make-up that represents the people in the 1950's-1960's inspired by the hair and make-up on these videos, as well as imitating a few of the hair styles or make-up designs because they will really make the characters in our performance look like they are from the 50's-60's.);
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD2BEzxsDSg
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=355wGbzUzz0&feature=related
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9igrNJFYlE
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oKPYe53h78&feature=related

Pictures which I will be inpsired and influenced by;
  • http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=nl&biw=1233&bih=670&tbm=isch&tbnid=M5JsSDvQRzUiPM:&imgrefurl=http://www.lethlib.ca/node/1852&docid=-FHxxcRroPpsBM&imgurl=http://www.lethlib.ca/sites/default/files/imagefield_default_images/events/grease.jpg&w=408&h=472&ei=BAaVUOCJB8KsrAeizYDIDg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=213&vpy=130&dur=2283&hovh=242&hovw=209&tx=104&ty=87&sig=109783707478851682744&page=1&tbnh=142&tbnw=115&&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:69
  • http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=nl&biw=1233&bih=670&tbm=isch&tbnid=D-doCBGpnEPrBM:&imgrefurl=http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/neytiri&docid=5Pis7quLaniI5M&imgurl=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcrmwkAXHk1rk87nro1_500.jpg&w=500&h=375&ei=ZQaVUNe6G8zRrQfjh4G4CQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=345&sig=109783707478851682744&page=1&tbnh=141&tbnw=184&&ndsp=17&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0,i:90&tx=69&ty=33
  • http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=nl&biw=1233&bih=670&tbm=isch&tbnid=sfZzqMDT4-vgZM:&imgrefurl=http://thanksforthatinfo.blogspot.com/2010/07/tuesdays-feature-summer-blockbuster.html&docid=eAb8qI4Sg62IEM&imgurl=http://content2.myyearbook.com/zenhex/images/quiz1/3350/211064_res2_danny.jpg&w=180&h=200&ei=jgaVULGoGsXMrQfHqoGYCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=573&vpy=268&dur=287&hovh=160&hovw=144&tx=105&ty=97&sig=109783707478851682744&page=2&tbnh=138&tbnw=124&&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:20,i:159